Book a Bar

There are several different types of events that can be hosted in our range of venues. Each venue is utilised specifically for the needs of our students.  Check out Our Venues | Imperial College Union to see which venue will be best for your event!

Below outlines our booking processes depending on who is requesting to book the space.

Booking Processes

  • Clubs, Societies & Projects Bookings

    To find out more about the process for clubs and societies booking rooms, including venues spaces, please see the CSP support center page on bookable spaces.

  • Internal Union Departments Bookings

    If you are a member of staff at Imperial College Union, please email with the following details;  

    • Venue  

    • Date of the event 

    • Time of the event (including set up and pack down times)  

    • Expected capacity 

    • A brief description of the event  

    • Food and beverage requirements 

    • Tech requirements 

    Please add as much information as possible, including anything that is unique to your event or any details you deem to be appropriate. 

  • College Department Bookings

    If you are a member of a faculty group, college staff or a department within the college, please email with the following details; 

    • Venue 

    • Preferred date of the event 

    • Timings of the event  

    • Expected capacity 

    • A description of the event  

    • Who is the event run by/ who will be attending the event 

    • Food and beverage requirements 

    • All tech requirements. Including whether the supplier will be internal or external.  

    Please add any other relevant information. 

  • External Organisation Bookings

    We accept external bookings within our venues. Our venues are used for our students, meaning our priority is student events. We have strict values that we uphold within the Union, therefore all external bookings must align with these values and the Union. 

    If you are alumni with the University or Student Union please also follow the below; 

    If you’d like to book one of our venues as an external guest/organization, please email with the following information;  

    • Preferred venue (Our Venues | Imperial College Union) 

    • Preferred date of the event 

    • Time of the event. A full timeline of the event included.  

    • Expected capacity 

    • A description of the event  

    • Who external is coming to the event. Including speakers, performers and guests.  

    • Detailed breakdown of food and beverage requirements 

    • Food and beverage requirements (external or internal).  

    • All tech requirements. Including whether the supplier will be internal or external.  

    Please add any other details you deem appropriate. 

Booking Terms & Conditions 

For full terms and conditions for our venues, please visit Our Policies

If you would like more information about events and our venues, head to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or get in touch with the Events Team.