Fitness to study
If you have been considered unable to participate, fully engage or study to the level required, the Fitness to Study Procedure aims to make sure decisions about your ability are made in your best interest.
You should speak to your personal tutor, department or faculty supervisor immediately. You should also contact the Advice Centre for support from an Advice Caseworker.
Fitness to practice
If you are working towards an MBBS Qualification, the College has a duty to ensure that you are able to qualify and practice as a doctor.
Your fitness to practice could be called into question if you have gone through a disciplinary/misconduct procedure, if your behaviour raises questions about your ability to work in the medical profession or if you are unwell for long periods of time.
When an issue is first raised, it is referred to the Student Monitoring Group within the Faculty of Medicine. They will decide if the matter can be resolved internally or if it needs to be referred to a panel who will then hear the case.