Summer Elections 2024

Summer Elections

The Summer Elections will elect the following positions, as they remained unfilled at the end of the Leadership Elections:

  • LGBTQ+ Officer
  • Postgraduate Research Academic & Welfare Officer (Natural Sciences)
  • Postgraduate Research Academic & Welfare Officer (Business)
  • CGCU Secretary
  • CGCU Education Officer
  • CGCU Events Officer
  • CGCU Media and Marketing Officer
  • CGCU Bolt Bearer (Events Officer)
  • CGCU Guildsheet Editor
  • RSMU Vice President (Activities & Events)
  • RSMU Sponsorship Officer
  • RSMU Vice President Welfare
  • RSMU Website Officer
  • RSMU Postgraduate Ordinary Member
  • RSMU Undergraduate Ordinary Member
  • RCSU Vice President (Clubs and Societies)
  • RCSU Broadsheet Editor
  • RCSU Events Officer
  • RCSU Sports Officer
  • RCSU RAG Officer
  • RCSU Science Challenge Chair
  • RCSU Deputy Science Challenge Chair
  • RCSU Deputy Broadsheet Editor
  • Chemistry (UG) Departmental Wellbeing Representative
  • Biological Sciences (UG) Departmental Wellbeing Representative

Dates for Summer Elections 2024


  • Nominations open: 12:00pm, 29th May
  • Nominations close: 12:00pm, 7th June (Friday)
  • Candidate manifesto deadline: 1:45pm, 10th June (Monday)
  • Voting opens: 2:00pm, 10th June (Monday)
  • Voting closes: 2:00pm, 13th June (Thursday)
Nominate yourself/vote here here using this link

Which positions are being contested?

The LGBTQ+ Officer chairs the LGBTQ+ network, represents all LGBTQ+ students at Imperial, and creates and delivers projects, campaigns and events to improve the experience for LGBTQ+ students at Imperial.

The Postgraduate Research Academic & Welfare Officers for Business and for Natural Sciences represent PGR students in those faculties. They work with the PGR Chair, as well as PGR Departmental Reps, to improve the academic experience of PGR students.

The Chemistry and Biological Sciences Department Wellbeing Reps represent students in their departments, across all year groups, by working with their Wellbeing Year Reps, Department Academic Reps, and Faculty Reps, to collect wellbeing related feedback and raise it with Departmental Staff and in Faculty SSCs to improve the student experience across.

CGCU, RSMU, and RCSU, are three of Imperial's Constituent Unions. They are each made up of a committee with various roles dedicated to building a sense of community at Imperial for students in each of their corresponding faculties.


Manifestos can be viewed here during the voting period

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact the Elections Team on