
The Union's minibuses are based between the campuses at South Kensington and Silwood Park. These minibuses can be used by Clubs, Societies and Projects as well as Imperial College Departments. This page gives a full breakdown of the minibus vehicles, including the locations, specifications and seats. 

Only union approved drivers may drive the minibuses. 

Minibus Fleet 

Our fleet consists of five vehicles that vary in size, make and model. These vehicles are primarily used by our groups that require specific transport needs to successfully complete their core activity in hard to reach places. If you want more details, check out the tab below to view specific vehicle specifications. 

  • Cancellation Policy

    Should you cancel the minibus and the Union are not able to relocate it then a cancellation fee will apply. This is intended to deter groups from booking minibuses they are likely not to need rather than as a revenue generator. If another group is subsequently able to use the minibus then the original bookers will not be charged.

    Time before booking due to start

    Cancellation fee

    Under 12 hours

    100% hire charge

    12 to 24 hours

    50% hire charge

    24 to 48 hours

    25% hire charge

    Over 48 hours No charge
  • Fines & Charges

    Various fines are in place for the minibus operation.




    Failure to report use of spare bulb or fuse kit £20 Cover replacement costs
    Leaving any rubbish in the minibus £20 Enforcing Union Policy
    Failure to return the minibus hire form with in one working day £30 (and £5 for every day thereafter) Enforcing Union Policy 
    Loss of fuel or car park card £30 Cover replacement costs and inconveniences
    Leaving doors or windows unlocked £20 (per window in case of windows) Insurance protection
    Failure to return the keys within one working day £100 (and £25 for every day thereafter) Cover delayed bookings and inconveniences
    Leaving tank part empty £30 per quarter of tank Cover costs
    Failure to report use of fire extinguisher £25 Cover replacement costs
    Failure to report use of first aid kit £25 Cover replacement costs
    Failure to report use of spare tyre £80 Cover replacement costs
    Failure to report accident or breakdown £60 Cover call out fees
    Returning a minibus late £40 plus the costs incurred by any subsequent users plus additional usage time Delays bookings 
    Parking in incorrect bay £10 Cover parking costs
    Losing a set of keys Replacement costs (around £220) plus £30 Cover costs
    Breaking a lock Replacement costs for all locks and keys (around £500) plus £30 Cover costs
    Breaking a fuel cap Replacement costs (fuel and cap around £100) plus £30 Cover costs
    Using the wrong fuel Garage bill and recovery plus £30 Cover costs
    Crashing and/or damage Garage bill plus £30 Cover costs
    Failure to return the roof rack cover within one working day £15 (and £5 for every day thereafter) Delays bookings
    Late return of tarp/snow chains within one working day £15  (and £5 for every day thereafter) Delays bookings
    Failure to turn off minibus lights or late return of tarp/snow chains £20 Cover costs of recharging

    All charges go to the upkeep of the minibuses. Usage and fuel charges, together with any fines and cancellation charges for minibuses are made directly to the club.

    Any parking tickets or other fines/penalties incurred while minibuses are being driven will be the sole responsibility of the driver. If a drivers eligibility to drive a Union minibus changes (e.g. if your license gains and endorsements) then the change must be reported to the Union regardless of whether the changes in eligibility occurred whilst you were driving a union minibus or not. 


  • Minibus Fleet Information
    Type Make Seats
    Minibus Ford Transit 9
    Minibus  Ford Transit 15
    Minibus Peugeot  15
    Truck  Volkswagen 5
    Minibus Peugeot  15


Booking Process and Price

To book a minibus, you will need to be a recognised Imperial affiliated group or college department with an approved driver. 

There is a charge for the usage of the minibuses which varies depending on the number of seats and the duration of the usage, together with various fines. CSP bookings are not charged VAT.

College departmental hires are charged VAT and will have VAT added to the prices below.   

These charges are currently under review and will be updated by the 1st October 2023. Any bookings made before then will be honoured at the prices below. 

Hire Fees

  • Minibus Hire Prices



    Truck (VOP)​

    9 Seat Minibus​

    15 Seat Minibus

    0-6 hours​




    6-12 hours​




    12-24 hours (weekdays)​




    12-24 hours (weekends)​




    Weekend (3pm Friday to Midnight Sunday)​




    Full Week​




    Additional days (after 1 full week)​


