
Category: ICSM


Y5 Lecture Series, aimed at our Y5 students, this series strives to cover high yield Paediatrics content - prepping students for their Specialities Paper

Meet the Paediatricians, an annual event where we invite Paediatricians from varying subspecialties to discuss the pathways into their fields

Y1 & Y2 Lecture Series, ran in collaboration with O&G Society, this series is designed to prep students for the ‘Development & Ageing’ module of the BRS Course

Specialties Crash Course, ran in collaboration with O&G, GP and Psychiatry Society, strives to equip students with the relevant knowledge to pass their Specialities Paper

Mock PACES and Written Paper, ran in collaboration with O&G, GP and Psychiatry Society, the Mock PACES is designed to give Y5 students a chance to experience the 5th year exams

Community and Outreach

Throughout the year we run a multitude of visits to local schools, with the aim of providing insight into the med school application process


Imperial College National Paediatrics Conference, aimed at university students to broaden their knowledge of the field of Paediatrics beyond the scope of their curriculum

London Medical School Paediatric Conference, ran in collaboration with the other United Hospitals Medical Schools, welcomes paediatric experts from around the country to offer insight and practical advice relating to the field of paediatrics


Playteam, one of the largest volunteering organisations from Imperial, offering the opportunity to all students to volunteer on the paediatric wards of St Marys Hospital in Paddington

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Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 265 current members



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