
Category: Outdoor
The most active student-led white-water kayaking club in London! Open to complete beginners and pros alike we travel the UK and further afield to find the best white-water with great company Whether you’re a complete beginner or a gnarly V+ river runner, joining the Canoe Club is a great way to add to your Imperial experience! We run regular white-water weekend trips around the most picturesque parts of England and Wales, including Snowdonia, the Lake District, and Devon. These trips are a great way to get out of London and have loads of fun. We also head further afield a few times a year to the likes of Scotland, the Alps, and Norway catering to differing skill levels so everyone has a chance to experience foreign white-water (Summer Tour is an ICCC classic). Some of our more skilled members have ventured on expeditions as far as Georgia, India, and Vietnam with their kayaks! The best way to see what ICCC has to offer is at our weekly pool sessions on Tuesday evenings at Ethos. You can get to grips with the basics or improve your freestyle tricks, then finish off with a few games of canoe polo. We then head to the Union for a pint or two after. We also hold regular socials/sports nights to get to know the other paddlers off the river! Whether drinking or non-drinking socials are your thing there's something for everyone. We look forward to seeing you on the water soon!

Join Canoe

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 56 current members



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