Sensible Drug Policy

Category: Academic

Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) is the largest global youth-led network dedicated to ending the War on Drugs.

We bring young people of all political and ideological orientations together to have honest conversations about drugs and drug policy. At Imperial, SSDP is committed to spreading harm reduction information, as well as raising awareness on current drug research and drug policy (for example, related to psychedelics, cannabis, benzodiazepines, etc.). We deliver speaker events with researchers, medical professionals, charity leaders and policy experts. Some of our past highlight events include a talk by Professor David Nutt on "How Drug Laws Censor Research" and a talk by Tommaso Barba on "Psychedelics, Intimacy and Sexual Wellbeing".

You can find regular updates on our events and harm reduction materials on our Instagram page @iclssdp, in our WhatsApp group or by signing up to our mailing list via this link.

Join Sensible Drug Policy

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 42 current members



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