As we’re coming out of lockdown and social distancing measures are being lifted, the College is looking at what next year will look like. So, what are the plans, and what is the Union doing to advocate for the needs of students?
Following the December and January exams some of you took, we ran a survey asking you how you found them, whether the process was smooth, and if there were any problems. You can read about the results here
With the introduction of a new lockdown at the beginning of the term, we understand that the accommodation plans many of you had have changed completely. This is why we convinced the College to apply an automatic fee-waiver for Imperial-owned halls of residences for all students who can't come back to their hall - either because of current government guidance, or because of personal circumstance.
In response to the correspondence received by students and staff on Friday December 4th, the Union officer team has requested further clarity from the Chair of College Council. The email we sent to him follows.