
Category: Hobbies
Here at TeaSoc, we love tea, and we want to share the world's favourite drink with you! We want to give students the opportunitea to try and enjoy delicious blends from near and far. We have teas from China, Japan and Taiwan; black teas, green teas, white teas, oolong, chai, fruit teas and more. Being an Imperial student can be tough, and it is easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed. TeaSoc provides a place for students to take time out from their busy schedules to relax and have a cup of tea (or multiple!). We meet twice every week on Monday and Thursday from 18:15 to 20:15 in Huxley 711C. Each one of our sessions gives an opportunity to relax and unwind, and includes unlimited tea and delicious snacks for a small fee. Don't forget to bring your friends! We also organise tea trips out - look forward to visits to numerous tea shops around London in our annual Tea Crawl! We also have guest speakers attend from local tea shops, to teach us more about our favourite drink and sample an even wider and exclusive varietea of blends. Sign up to our mailing list at https://mailman.ic.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/icu-tea for quality teamails! So whether you're a tea fanatic or have only ever drunk Tetley, why not take a break and join us for a cuppa?

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Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 66 current members



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