
Category: Outdoor
If you like the idea of getting out of town and into the mountains then you'll love the Outdoor Club. We are the only club at Imperial to offer such a wide range of activities from climbing and mountaineering, hill walking and scrambling to mountain biking! Our friendly, experienced members are always on hand to introduce you to new outdoor activities, and help you be safe whilst doing so. So whether you're a complete beginner or a hardened mountaineer you'll be welcome in our club. During term times we hold weekly indoor climbing sessions at our own climbing wall in Ethos, and we organise weekend trips every fortnight to Natural Parks and mountain areas in England and Wales. Over vacations, we organise longer tours giving you the chance to experience rock climbing in stunning locations like Spain and Greece. When you add to this an active social calendar that includes bar nights, meals out and film festivals you have one of the most exciting clubs at Imperial! Come along to our stall at Freshers' Fair or drop us an email to find out more and get involved!

Join Outdoor

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 46 current members



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