Krav Society

Category: Sports

2024: We will be running taster sessions at the start of the year. Details will be posted here once finalised. Looking forward to another great year of Krav!

Training is finished until October 2024. Krav Maga is Imperial’s only self-defence society. It incorporates a variety of defences against strikes, locks, chokes, and take-downs, weapons, and multiple opponents. Krav Maga is a brilliant life skill to learn, equipping you with the right mindset and a set of principles/techniques to face the world more confidently.

No prior experience is required; most people start from scratch. Krav is one of the fastest, easiest, and most effective martial arts to learn and is open to all! Visible progress is guaranteed after a few sessions. Build your self-confidence and get fit while learning practical self-defence techniques in a friendly and welcoming group at one of the biggest martial arts societies at Imperial!

Our instructor sessions include training from our brilliantly qualified instructor, Master Shaikh. We also run a committee session on Saturdays that includes practice of techniques learnt earlier that week, striking practice, and cardio.

Note that your first session with us is FREE!

Sign-up to our mailing list here:

Join our WhatsApp group here:

Contact us at for any questions.

Join Krav Society

Only available to members of Imperial College Union and Imperial Athletes.


  • 50 current members



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