
Category: Cultural
ICKS is cultural society with diverse objectives; mainly to create a family atmosphere for all those who are of Korean descent or interested in Korean culture. The society was created and registered in 1999 with a small group of members but has since grown drastically in numbers with an average of 40 members joining every year. Currently there are around 100 active members with a female to male ratio of 40:60. On Campus, we aim to provide events which allow Korean students to come together to create various friendships and also to ease integration with students of other ethnic backgrounds. Such events are: ICKS Fresher Welcoming, ICKS Party, Korean Culture Night, the ICKS Awards Ceremony and ICKS annual dinner. The ICKS Football and Basketball teams participate every Saturday in a private league and also in the OKSE Cup. ICKS also consists of ICKC (Christianity group) and photography group and ICKS band. Besides the social events we also hold a monthly conference with Oxbridge in which PhD students hold presentations of their current projects. Furthermore, throughout the year we are invited to attend various conferences from corporations such as Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motors, Kia Motors, LG Philips, LG LCD and LG Electronics

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Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 49 current members

