
Category: Academic
Imperial Debating is a society that anyone can get involved in, whoever you are and however much you want to take part! Whether you're an experienced debater or don't know anything about public speaking / debating, we have something for everyone at our free weekly sessions. Join in to make new friends, take part in fun social activities like going to the pub or karaoke, and improve your debating skills! We also invite well known speakers to discuss interesting topics at public debates, sometimes in collaboration with other societies. If you're interested in competitive debating, we represent Imperial College at national and international debate competitions; here you'll also get to meet debaters from other universities, which is always good fun! If you're interested in debating even the slightest, pop on over to one of our free weekly sessions, held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 18:30 in the Sir Alexander Fleming Building (Room 120). We hope to see you there!

Join Debating

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 29 current members



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