Chinese Students & Scholars Association

Category: Cultural
Welcome! At Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA), we aim to understand the needs of our Chinese students, help each and everyone of you to enjoy your study, and promote Chinese culture to the whole Imperial College. We enjoy the reputation of being one of the best CSSAs across UK. We organise pre-departure talks in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities annually to provide important informations as to help you for an easy start. There are, currentlly, Drama Group, OCSCF Charity Group, Chinese Debating Team and etc, managed by us. We also hold the very well known Imperial College Chinese New Year Gala。 We also have plenty of career sharing fairs and recruitment conferences to help students with internship or career. To Promote an exciting Chinese life style in London, we are more than happy to assist our members with basketball and badminton courts booking. If you urge for more entertainment and sports events, we hold annually Dota, 'Sanguosha' and 'Master of Songs' singing competition. We also hold long-term cooperations with other CSSAs such as of King's College London, UCL, LSE, City and etc. Want to join us? Please look out for us at the Freshers' Fair!

Join Chinese Students & Scholars Association

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 116 current members

