
Category: Outdoor
Do you want to boldly go where no one has gone before? No, this is not sci-fi soc, this is real life. Enjoy the thrill of abseiling down cavernous shafts, witnessing underground waterfalls and delving into a whole new world of exploration and adventure. We visit the best caves in the UK but also Sardinia, Slovenia, Spain and Ireland just to name a few. You'll never get closer to the explorer's thrill than when you tread paths untrodden through the mountain hosting Slovenia's largest cave system during our Summer Expedition. We host weekly rope training sessions Wednesdays in Prince's Gardens during the first term to make sure everyone is comfortable on ropes before entering caves. Our fortnightly weekend trips during term time are a great way to practice your newly honed skills, fuel your sub-terrestrial addiction, get out of London and to escape the monotony of everyday life. These trips are exciting and safe, social and rewarding, requiring no prior experience or equipment. Even when we're not caving we're a very socially active club with a weekly meet at the Union on Tuesdays and various other socials each term. So why not come to one of our events and learn more?

Join Caving

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 17 current members



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