A Cappella

Category: Arts & Entertainment
Love singing or beatboxing? Want a commitment for the year that will provide a creative outlet, a great social club, fun and a chance to perform for audiences of all sizes? Then join A Cappella Society! A Cappella music is singing without instrumental accompaniment. As well as organising a cappella-related activities and events, the society promotes and supports the six currently established College groups: The Imperielles (all-female, contemporary) The Scopes (mixed, contemporary) Take Note (all-female, barbershop) The Techtonics (all-male, contemporary) Surcery (mixed, fusion style) Nth Harmonic (mixed, contemporary/close harmony) All of these groups were founded within the past 14 years, and range in intensity and development. Activities undertaken by the groups include an all-expenses paid tour to Hong Kong (which included two performances to a sold-out 3500-seater stadium), appearing on TV shows, winning and placing highly at international competitions in NYC, semi-professional tours to all over America and Canada, celebrity-endorsed professional music videos, studio recorded albums, sell-out performances at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, corporate backed flash mobs and much much more... but above all we love having fun with the society as a whole. If you would like to sign up for an audition or simply would like to find out more about the society, please visit our website: https://www.union.ic.ac.uk/arts/acappella/ our facebook page: www.facebook.com/ICUACappella/ our Instagram: @icacappella or send us an email: acappella@imperial.ac.uk

Join A Cappella

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 50 current members



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