
Category: Sports
Imperial College Boat Club is the place for all students interested in rowing while at Imperial, from complete beginners to those with aspirations to compete internationally. We offer world class coaching and facilities for our joint men’s and women’s team who train together on the river in Putney, just a 20 minute cycle from college or easily accessible on public transport. Our novice and senior squads have regular success at major rowing events including BUCS, the Heads of the River, Henley Women’s and Henley Royal Regatta. We are lucky to have a state-of-the-art gym and clubroom on site alongside a well-maintained fleet of boats. With stunning views onto the Thames, it is the perfect place to train and socialise. Our social calendar ranges from classic pub trips and brunches to water fights, scavenger hunts and black tie dinners. We also train and compete abroad, with trips to Croatia, Spain and Poland in 2023. As one of Imperial’s most successful and sociable clubs, we offer the perfect opportunity to develop yourself both as an individual and as part of a team. University is a great place to try a new sport, so if you want to be part of a fun, supportive and friendly team, why not give us a try? Check out our website and social media channels, or get in touch with our captains for this season: (men's captain) and (women's captain)

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Only available to members of Imperial College Union and Imperial Athletes.


  • 92 current members



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