Bioscience Review

Category: Academic
  • A student-led initiative, publishing articles about emergent and mature topics in the life sciences
  • Interested in scientific writing? Want to meet established science journalists, and to see your own articles published online and on print?

IBR is the magazine for you!

As a student-led initiative, we provide a platform for students of all stages and backgrounds to freely explore the most emergent themes of the life sciences. Our articles and magazine issues are also free to access – an aspect that we hope diminishes the barrier to science.

Established in August 2020, we have since grown our base to over 120 yearly writers and published over 500 articles. If you join our enthusiastic group of writers, you will benefit from editorial feedback, improving your writing and research skills. Watch out for the various opportunities to present your work and attend guest speaker events throughout the year! We also intend to collaborate with other Imperial societies and top UK universities in affordable networking events.

If any of this appeals to you, make sure to become a member and follow us on our social media pages below:


Join Bioscience Review

Only available to members of Imperial College Union.


  • 188 current members



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