
Kendogi & Hakama Set

One of the best-selling beginners Kendogi and Hakama sets in the world, this high quality Tengu uniform bundle is the ultimate value option, balancing material and manufacturing excellence with an extremely affordable price point. This discounted uniform set includes a 100% cotton single layer Kendogi and an easy care polyester rayon Hakama. The single layer Sashiko Ori (rice grain stitch) Kendogi is soft and comfortable and is dyed to a traditional dark blue colour without the use of Aizome, to make care routines easier and prevent the leakage of dye. The classic Japanese cut Hakama is made from polyester rayon (Tetron) a fabric which is a great looking and easy-care material for Hakama as it holds its shape well, folds easily and is very easy to keep looking clean and smart. The perfect entry level set for those taking their first steps in Kendo.

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