
Wales 1


This is the trip fee for Wales 1, our first caving trip of the year! For first time cavers this trip costs only £35, for returning members this trip costs £45, and for people making their own way to the hut, this trip cost £35.

  • Please do not purchase a ticket unless your place on this trip has been confirmed.
  • No SRT or any previous training required. Open to all abilities.
  • Should you be unable to attend this trip for whatever reason, it is unlikely that a refund will be possible unless we are able to fill your seat on the minibus - so please let us know as soon as possible!

Seller Information

This product is sold by a Club, Society, or Project. For further information about how this product is fulfilled or for any enquiries relating to this product please contact the relevant group or Union Reception

Conditions apply

One or more conditions apply to this product or the selected option - you can only purchase this item if you meet all the conditions. Please ensure you are logged in to allow us to check.

Condition not checked, please log in:
Requires membership of Caving.
Condition not checked, please log in:
Maximum 1 purchase.