Minibus Emergency Procedures

You can find our full Minibus Guide below. This contains all the relevant information on the vehicle's insurance, what to do in an emergency and key contacts when hiring a minibus. These guides will be in every minibus to refer to in case of emergency, accidents or incidents you have while driving, Click Here For Our Online Minibus Guide.

Our fleet is covered by the RAC – in case of any breakdown or problems with the vehicle, please contact the RAC breakdown number 03332000999 

Emergency Procedures

  • Accident Procedure

    If you are involved in an accident and anyone is hurt, call the emergency services immediately. If no one is injured, then proceed as follows: 

    1. If you can, prevent any further collisions by moving the minibus off the road. Switch on the hazard lights and place the warning triangle 45m behind the minibus. DO NOT attempt to stop on a soft verge.  

    1. Take all the details of the other driver involved. This includes make and registration of vehicle, name, address and contact number of the other driver and their insurance details. Do not admit fault for the accident. 

    1. If you can, get the details of AT LEAST TWO witnesses. 

    1. If asked for details, then provide the driver's name. Any contact details provided should be those of Student Activities, Imperial College Union, Beit Quad, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BB. 

    1. All accidents must be reported to either the Union or College Security as soon as possible and the relevant forms will need to be completed as soon as possible upon return to South Kensington. During office hours contact the Student Activities Centre on 020 7594 8060. Outside of office hours you should contact Sherfield Security on 020 7589 1000. 

    1. Drivers who are asked to produce the minibus insurance certificate should present the laminated photocopy located in the Minibus Guide Folder. If these are not sufficient, they should note the name, number and station of the Police Officer and state that the driver of the minibus will produce the necessary documentation at the local Police Station. The Student Activities Centre will arrange for this to happen if it is not possible for the student to present the documentation in person. 

  • Breakdown or Flat Battery

    In the event of a breakdown, try to move the minibus as far to the left of the road as possible. Switch on the hazard lights and place the warning triangle at least 45m behind the minibus. All Union minibuses have RAC breakdown cover.  

    Call 03332000999 and quote our account number 31290361 or policy number 103050092520 

    You will need to tell them: 

    • Minibus registration  

    • Your precise location 

  • In the case of a fire

    If you suspect a fire in the engine compartment: 

    1. Pull over and stop as soon as possible 

    1. Switch the engine off 

    1. Get all passengers out as quickly and safely as possible. Move away from the minibus and keep all onlookers away. 

    1. Contact the emergency services 

    1. If it is safe to do so, warn oncoming traffic 

    1. DO NOT fully open the bonnet. 

    1. If you can tackle the fire, use the fire extinguisher, and empty it through the small gap available when the bonnet lock is released. 

  • Minor Issues & Repairs

    Any minor damages may be able to be sorted by outlets such as Halford or Kwik Fit. Any maintenance problems like this will be covered by the Union if it incurs any expense to your CSP or any individuals on the trip.  

    Examples of minor repairs could be:  

    • Broken bulb 

    • Low tyre pressure 

    • Ad Blue for longer trips  

    • Windscreen wipers 

  • Report the Incident

    If you have an incident while operating the vehicles, you must report it through the college SALUS system here: Accidents and incidents | Administration and support services | Imperial College London 

    Please include all the details of the incident in the report and email once you have completed or if you need support completing the SALUS report.

Booking Confirmation and Key Collection 

Once the union processes your minibus request, you will receive an automated email with confirmation, provisional approval, or cancellation.  

If confirmed, you will get all the vehicle information and pick up instructions to the approved driver and shared email address. This will contain the booking details and vehicle registration. 

This email acts as proof of hire and will need to be shown to the Help Desk when picking up the keys. You will need to complete the vehicle check form before setting off in your minibus.  

Returning Keys and Minibuses

You will need to complete the vehicle check form before returning the Minibus Keys.  You must return your minibus keys back to the Union Help Desk as soon as you return to campus, any keys handed back after 24 hours will result in a fine.

If you arrive when the Help Desk is closed, you can hand the minibus keys back to security or first thing the next morning.